Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Beatitudes

BLESSED are they who find Christmas in the age-old story of a baby born in
Bethlehem.To them a little child will always mean hope and promise to a
troubled world.

BLESSED are they who find Christmas in the Christmas star. Their lives may
ever reflect its beauty and light.

BLESSED are they who find Christmas in the joy of gifts sent lovingly to
others. They shall share the gladness and joy of the shepherds and wise men
of old.

BLESSED are they who find Christmas in the fragrant greens, the cheerful
holly and soft flicker of candles. To them shall come bright memories of
love and happiness.

BLESSED are they who find Christmas in the happy music of Christmas time.
They shall have a song of joy ever singing in their hearts.

BLESSED are they who find Christmas in the message of the Prince of Peace,
They will ever strive to help Him bring peace on earth, goodwill to all.


Saturday, December 23, 2006

Do Not Be Afraid

An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."

Luke 2: 9-12 NIV

"Do not be afraid." This is said a lot in the bible. Almost like He knew we needed to hear it over and over.

"Do not be afraid." It really happened. We don't have to wonder or hope. He came. He came for us. Do you believe that? Believe it, it's true.

From my little corner of the world. From my teeny, tiny blog in the great blogosphere I have discovered this all of you and your families. To all the women and their husbands and children and cats and dogs and people that make up your amazing, busy, hilarious, God-filled lives. To all the people who have shared recipes, household tips, words or encouragement, a sympathetic ear and a praying heart..."God Bless Us, Everyone!"

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good-night.


Sunday, December 17, 2006

BooMama's Bloggy Christmas Tour

Welcome to our home. We are almost ready for Christmas. Our tree is not very big but we really like it. This year it is decorated with all the ornaments we have, except all of my beautiful Christmas balls. We used the balls last year and it was lovely but my daughter missed all the ornaments that had all the stories behind them. Can't blame her. To the right are our stockings that my Mom needle-pointed for us - my sister's family have matching ones. My mom is very organized and plans ahead!
This ceramic Christmas tree belonged to my Grandmother. She used it when she was done "with the hassle of a real tree". Somehow, I was lucky enough to inherit it. My sister made these carolers for me a couple of years ago. She made the mom and little girl when it was just M. and me and when I re-married, she made the father. They always sing around Grannie's tree (it lights up, you just can't tell :)
This is my stained-glass Nativity scene that my best-friend gave me over the course of many years. It is truly beautiful and I love it so much. I always pretend that I am the Little Drummer Boy that is in the front. I know he wasn't really there that amazing night but I can identify in so many ways with him..."what can I give him? I can give him my heart".
This is just a collection of decorations I have amassed over the years. I had quite the snowman collection going for a long time. This is one of my best ones. He sits on the wall and watches everyone who comes into the house. I purchased him and the wooden Santa at the same Christmas craft fair. I couldn't decide between them and stared at them for the longest time, trying to rationalize having both. The owner of the booth asked me if I was OK since I was taking so long to decide. As you can see I bought both and could barely fit Santa in the back seat. The little village is actually a 3-D puzzle set that M. puts together every year. I got it at Wal-Mart one year after Christmas for $5.oo - score for the Boxing Day sales!

I don't really like to decorate. All the boxes and lugging and taking down and putting up. But I do love to live in a house that is Christmassy - especially things that light up. Every night I turn out the lights and just sit in the glow of the tree and my little snowman that lights up and the glowing caroler tree. Last night I even found battery-operated tee-lights so I don't have to think of/remembering the lit candles. That's technology!!! But the memories that come to life during the unpacking of the decorations are one of the best parts of Christmas. Memories of people, places and things of Christmasses past - it helps me stay connected to what and who are really important.

Thanks for stopping by - I love company.

Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Joyful New Year!


Monday, December 04, 2006

Kids are Remarkable

Yesterday was my daughter's Christmas piano recital. Her teacher has 38 students from primary-aged children all the way up to high school. We had the recital in a lovely piano studio with great acoustics and balcony seating, so it was quite the event.

This year, the teacher, with the spirit of Christmas giving in mind, decided to make the recital a fund-raiser for a local animal shelter.

All fall the students were hard at work composing music and lyrics for their own songs, inspired by their favorite animals, so the fund-raiser for the shelter was a perfect fit. All songs were illustrated by each student as well. The teacher compiled a book to take home so all the kids could learn each others songs if they wished.

So this year, the Christmas recital had no Christmas songs. Instead, we were part of a world premier of local talent.

It was remarkable!

These kids, some tiny, some only as old as high school. Composing their own pieces. Performing in front of 50-60 people. The confidence they possessed. And the guts when they didn't!

I try so hard not to under-estimate children. I try not to impose my limitations on their abilities. I try so hard not to ask for the details and just let it happen and see where it goes. Most times I need to try harder.

I always say that "kids are just short human beings". They have all the emotions and talents that we have, they just haven't had the opportunities to experience or develop them yet.

The piano teacher gets it. She knows what these kids can do, encourages it and expects it. Expectations can be very good things. I am learning that.

Yesterday, I was so impressed. With my own child and with every other child there.

It's amazing what people can do when they are given a chance and some support - even when they are short.
